With deregulation came dramatic rises in utility costs and with the fear of an unending escalation, consumers are being wooed by energy companies to lock into longer term energy contracts at fixed prices.
For some this might seem attractive, a relief that perhaps each year won’t place greater and greater strain on limited household incomes. For others, they are holding out the hope that rebates, or a reduction in costs, or a return to the public ownership and management of energy will come.
Chris Spearman, an expert in energy will go over the pros and cons of locking into longer-term energy contracts. He will talk about the risks and opportunities for consumers as they face the daunting challenge of finding the best deal and best fit for their energy needs. “Everything has changed,” Chris says. “It’s a whole new world out there as consumers are forced to choose what kind of energy they will purchase, and from whom and for how long.”
Bring your questions. While there are no simple answers, Chris Spearman is prepared to help us better navigate the choppy and uncertain waters of Alberta energy production and consumption by arming us with reliable up to date information, options and trends.
About the Speaker:
Chris Spearman, a 22-year resident of Lethbridge, is employed with The Black Velvet Distilling Company, where responsibilities include contracting for energy. He is also the spokesperson for Action Against High Gas Prices , the Chairman of the Industrial Association of Southern Alberta, (http://www.iasa.ca ) and, since 1992, a school board trustee with the Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 4.