SACPA Thursday, December 15, 2005 How do we Learn From History?
History is our own story. Who we are grows out of our history. Our own story is living, growing into our future. This is our identity. We all have grown up with the words of conventional wisdom that if we do not learn lessons from history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Notice what is happening to Remembrance Day observances – memories fading with the passing of the veterans. Yet the history of the most violent century ever is in danger of being glossed over unless our children study war, peace, and responsibility.
2005 is Alberta’’s centenary and has been marked with celebrations. Now we look ahead to 2006 when Lethbridge marks 100 years. In both cases we prepare to look ahead for another century of life, growth and progress. What and how do we learn from history?
Speaker: Belinda Crowson. One of the centenary projects included in the renewed Galt Museum and Archives is the establishment of a museum school with Belinda Crowson as the educator.
Education is from the cradle to the grave and is more than just programs for children (although it includes this of course). She will tell us of the exciting new plans and approaches for the new setting within the new facility. There will be something for everyone.
Belinda came to The Galt from a teaching career. She hails from Enchant where even as a child she developed a thirst for history. She has been on The Galt’’s staff for five years and she has become well known in Southern Alberta as an interesting speaker.
Learn more about the Galt Museum and Archives on-line by visiting this website: http://www.galtmuseum.com
Moderator: Rev. Roy Gellatly
Location: Sven Ericksen’’s Family Restaurant, 1715 Mayor Magrath Drive S. Time: 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. / Cost: $8.00 includes lunch
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