All the countries that have become Democracies since World War 2 have opted for some form of Proportional Representation, while Canada still uses the ‘‘First Past The Post’’ system in our respective elections.
As of now, five provinces in Canada (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick) are examining possible use of the Proportional Representation System. Where does Alberta stand – or, for that matter, Canada?
What is Proportional Representation? What are the benefits? Who might support it? Who might oppose it? Where and how might we begin to introduce it?
Speaker: John Boras, B.Sc., L.L.B. – John Boras practiced law in Lethbridge from 1966 until his retirement in 1991. Prior to that, John served in the R.C.A.F., was employed in the farm equipment business and was a joint operator in a cow/calf operation in Iron Springs. Mr. Boras has served his community as a Catholic School Trustee (locally and provincially) and a City Councillor for nearly a decade. Mr. Boras has stood for election in Lethbridge Federally (once) and Provincially (four times) and therefore has personal experience with the present form of Electoral System (First Past the Post).