SACPA Thursday, December 1, 2005 The Face of HIV in Alberta
Since testing began in 1985, the number of Canadians living with HIV/AIDS has continued to increase at a rate of approximately 11 new infections every day. Health Canada estimates that there are more than 56,000 people in Canada living with HIV/AIDS, of which approximately 17,000 do not know they are infected. There are an estimated 4,000 Albertans living with HIV/AIDS.
HIV-related discrimination stops people from getting the information and support they need. Anyone can get infected with HIV, no matter your age, your sex, your sexual orientation or your ethnic origin. It is NOT WHO YOU ARE that puts you at risk for HIV infection. IT IS WHAT YOU DO. There is no cure for HIV. Prevention is your only defence.
In his presentation on World AIDS Day, Douglas Gauld will present basic facts about HIV/AIDS, the risks of contracting HIV and HIV statistics for Alberta. Based on his own experience, he will then discuss challenges and hopes of living with HIV in Alberta.
Speaker: Douglas Gauld.
Douglas Gauld is a resident of Calgary who has been living with HIV for twenty years. Originally from the Oka Reservation in Quebec, he still has a strong connection with his Mohawk heritage. As such, he has travelled all over Canada, speaking about HIV/AIDS and how it affects people and communities. He recently was an adviser to a provincial community-based research project jointly undertaken by the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta and the Kimamow Atoskanow Foundation: “Challenging Lifestyles: Aboriginal Men and Women Living with HIV”
Moderator: Hélène Wirzba, Executive Director, Lethbridge HIV Connection Society
Location: Sven Ericksen’’s Family Restaurant, 1715 Mayor Magrath Drive S. Time: 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. / Cost: $8.00 includes lunch
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