The year 2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the end of Nazi concentration camps. And yet the victory of allied forces against Hitler did not bring an end to Genocide. It persists as a problem in our modern world.
In this thought-provoking examination of Genocide, Bruce MacKay from the University of Lethbridge will offer a crash course on the topic. He will argue that the question, ‘why does genocide continue to flourish?’ cannot be answered with certainty from only one perspective.
A complex understanding of the philosophical, religious, legal, political, anthropological, economic, biological, and artistic influences, to name but a few, is required.
Only an integrative dialogue can help us to better understand why genocides occur and can provide the basis for action to stop such crimes against humanity.
In October of 2005, the University of Lethbridge will host a colloquium of invited speakers to discuss “The Problem of Genocide”.
It will bring national and international speakers to Lethbridge to discuss selected aspects of this topic including: the Holocaust, the genocide in Rwanda, Canadian Government policy and First Nations culture, religious and cultural fallout, and responsibility in a global context.
The conference will also include speakers who survived some of these events.
While the colloquium is planned for next Fall, the Southern Alberta Council of Public Affairs will get a personal and sneak preview of this important topic and community event.
SPEAKER: Bruce MacKay earned his B.A. from the University of Lethbridge (in Anthropology), his Masters from Harvard Divinity School and his PhD in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto. In 1990, Dr. MacKay came back to the U of L to teach Archaeology and Religious Studies as well as Liberal Education, History, Geography, and Anthropology. He is currently the Coordinator of Program in Liberal Education in the Faculty of Arts and Science for the University. In September 2005 Dr. MacKay will be teaching a special topics course on the Problem of Genocide.
Moderator: Shirley DeBow
Location: Sven Ericksen’’s Family Restaurant, 1715 Mayor Magrath Drive S. Time: 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. / COST: $8.00 includes lunch To become a Friend of SACPA or for more information please contact: Bob Campbell, interim coordinator: (403) 317-7104 / e-mail rcampbell@chr.ab.ca