“First elected in 1993 on a platform of “common sense revolution,” a little over a decade later Ralph Klein’s Conservative party remain in power, but the gloss is off its “revolution.” Deficits and debts have been eliminated, but new problems and new issues have arisen, such as energy deregulation and water shortages. Efforts to export the revolution … have stalled. Meanwhile, at the world level, neo-liberal globalization is in retreat … The Return of the Trojan Horse re-examines Klein’s Alberta after a decade of deficit-slashing, tax-cutting conservatism.”
Presentation by three of the authors:
“The Klein Revolution and Alberta’s democratic deficit” – a talk by Trevor W. Harrison
“Alberta’s Finances” – a talk by Greg Flanagan
“Water Under Fire” – a talk and video presentation by Jim Byrne
Trevor W. Harrison is Professor of Sociology at the University of Lethbridge and former Research Director of Parkland Institute. He is an author, editor and frequent commentator on political events provincially and nationally.
Greg Flanagan is Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Management at the U of L. Trained as a public finance economist, he has numerous publications dealing with public policy issues to his name.
Jim Byrne is a Professor of Geography at the U of L. He leads an ongoing research program investigating the impact of climate change on water resources in western North America. Together with the U of L’s Dr. Rick Mrazek and Lethbridge video producer George Gallant, Jim produced a seven-part television series – Water Under Fire – on the state of water in Canada, which has been telecast nationally.
Moderator: Trevor Page
Location: Lethbridge Public Library Theatre Gallery, 810 5th Ave. S. Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Admission: By donation
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