What is an Income Trust? How are they structured and why did they come about? Controversial changes have happened as a result of the announcement by the Government of Canada on October 31, 2006. What effect will this have on the average investor and the market as a whole?
Speaker: Bob Thompson
Bob is a Vice President and Investment Advisor with RBC Dominion Securities. He has been there since 1989. Prior to that he was a Bank Manager and Trust Company Manager for about 20 years. He specializes in management of Investment Portfolios. Bob is a Certified Financial Planner and is a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute. He is married with four children and six grandchildren.
Moderator: Einard Haniuk
Einard is retired from a career as director of research for several universities in the United States and Canada, most recently University of Lethbridge.
Location: Sven Ericksen’s Family Restaurant (lower level) 1715 Mayor Magrath Drive S., Lethbridge, Alberta
Time: Noon to 1:30 p.m. / Cost: $8.00 includes lunch