Building a Better Place:  Lethbridge

Building a Better Place: Lethbridge’s Pathway to a Liveable City

Following the 2004 Municipal Election, Lethbridge City Council collectively created an integrated strategic plan entitled “Working Together for Tomorrow”. The plan defines priorities, desired outcomes and actions towards achieving our vision to be a healthy, attractive and economically viable city. The stated intent in the strategic plan is that City Hall’s Corporate Plan, Business Unit Plans and three-year budget will align resources (physical, human and financial) with Council priorities. What progress has been made?

Mayor Bob Tarleck has led implementation of the City’s Strategic Plan and will continue to lead for another three years. Mayor Tarleck’s presentation will provide an update on the actions completed at City Hall in support of Council’s strategic plan. He will reflect on how we together are creating a dynamic place in which to live, work and play, and consider some of the key challenges that lie ahead.

Speaker: Mayor Bob Tarleck

Since moving to Lethbridge in 1966, Bob Tarleck has been tirelessly involved in the community. He successfully ran for Mayor in 2001 and will continue for a third term. Prior to being Mayor, Bob served as Alderman on Lethbridge City Council for 18 years (1974-1992) and was a driving force behind creation of the Lethbridge and District Community Futures Program and the Business Development Centre. For three years in the late 1990s he was an elected trustee of the Lethbridge Regional Hospital Board.

Bob also has served as an active volunteer (in many cases as chairman or board member) with innumerable community organizations: The Canadian Mental Health Association, The United Way, Lethbridge Habitat for Humanity, Lethbridge Handicapped Riding Association, The Native Liaison Committee, Lethbridge Family Services and The Urban Parks Steering Committee. Bob is a long time educator and a strong advocate for improving Alberta’s public schools. He has received an Alberta Human Rights Award for his work with the Aboriginal Community.

Moderator: Gordon Campbell

Time: Noon - 1:30 PM

Location: Ericksen’s Family Restaurant (lower level of The Keg) 1715 Mayor Magrath Dr. S.

Cost: $10.00 (includes lunch)

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