Critical Public Interest Issues in Alberta and Lethbridge

Critical Public Interest Issues in Alberta and Lethbridge

Aiding the public interest or general welfare is considered a central role of government. In Alberta, public interest issues are increasingly being raised in debates about democracy, the future of energy resources and poverty. How well is government addressing the public interest? With municipal elections only a few weeks away, are there questions regarding the public interest that candidates should be asked to consider?

Bill Moore-Kilgannon will provide his view of the critical public interest issues facing Albertans. He will explore the inter-relationships among these diverse issues and suggest positive changes to address them. Bill will release new information about the number of low wage workers in Lethbridge and suggest positive actions people can take to raise awareness of this as a public interest issue during the municipal elections campaign.

Speaker: Bill Moore-Kilgannon

Bill Moore-Kilgannon is the Executive Director of Public Interest Alberta. Prior to joining Public Interest Alberta, he worked in Ottawa as the Director of Campaigns and Communications of the Council of Canadians from 2001 – 2004 and he was the Executive Director of the Parkland Institute at the University of Alberta from 1997 - 2001.

Bill was the coordinator of the Global Visions Festival from 1992 – 1997 and is also a documentary video maker (most recent production is a video about the music, art and theatre of street children in Nicaragua). He studied Canadian and Latin American history, political science and economics at the University of Alberta and l”Unversité de Sherbrooke, and speaks French and Spanish. Bill also worked as a forest fire fighter in Alberta.

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