LAST DAYS OF THE DYNASTY? All signs point to the end of the Alberta Conservative dynasty. The Stelmach government is out of favour with most Albertans. The Liberals now have four seats in Calgary, long known as Tory town. All across the province the political landscape is shifting. But where are voters shifting to? Are they considering the Liberals? the NDs? Or are they waiting for the Conservatives to redeem themselves? Looks like the voters have taken power back into their hands which means the next provincial election could provide a lot of surprises.
Speaker: Gillian Steward
Gillian Steward is a Calgary author and journalist. She has written for the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, Canadian Business Magazine and Report on Business magazine. She was the managing editor at the Calgary Herald (1987 - 1990), wrote a syndicated column for the Southam newspapers (1990 - 1992) – and until recently publisher of Alberta Views Magazine. In 2000 she co-authored with Kevin Taft, “Clear Answers: The Economics and Politics of For-Profit Medicine”.
Ms Stewart has also contributed several documentaries to CBC radio’s Ideas series. She was a visiting professor at the School of Journalism, University of Regina (2001 - 2004). Currently she writes a regular column on provincial politics for Fast Forward Weekly in Calgary.
Moderator: Terry Shillington
Cost: $10.00 (includes lunch)
Time: Noon - 1:30 PM
Location: Ericksen’s Family Restaurant (lower level of The Keg) 1715 Mayor Magrath Dr. S.