The Security and Prosperity Partnership - A Wolf in Sheep''s Clothing?  (The Montebello Summit)

The Security and Prosperity Partnership – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

“Above all, we urge the Leaders to make it clear to all levels of their governments that sustained progress on the Security and Prosperity Partnership agenda is a strategic priority.” (Page three of the August, 2007 corporate report to Prime Minister Harper, Presidents Bush and Calderon at the Montebello Summit).

The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), launched by the leaders of Mexico, Canada and the United States in March 2005, by its own account aims to promote growth and economic opportunity, increase security, and improve the quality of life of our peoples. Statements like the one above excerpted from a SPP corporate report indicate, however, that large corporations are driving the agenda. Demonstrations at the Montebello Summit in Quebec in August 2007 suggest many people distrust what is being discussed and decided behind closed doors.

What evidence is there that the CEO’s of large corporations are dictating policy to the North American Leaders? Are cost-benefit analyses in the corporate interest trumping considerations of human health and safety and environmental implications in policy development? Would a continental regulatory authority catering to corporate profit-taking be in the best interest of Canadians, Americans and Mexicans?

Come and hear James Moore discuss the corporate report to the leaders at the Montebello summit, and the implications for our childrens’ future. It’s not just about jelly-beans.

Speaker: James Moore

James Moore has followed the development of the (SPP) Security and Prosperity Partnership from its inception. He has written and published a series of articles on the Corporate Council advisory to the SPP, and has spoken publicly about the implications and hidden dangers of the SPP project.

James has a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy and psychology from the University of Winnipeg, and a Master of Distance Education degree from Athabasca University. James works in computer communications and on-line learning. His company, based in Lethbridge, is Distancedge Communications.

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