2010 Lethbridge Municipal Election Forum for Aldermen
The 2010 Lethbridge Municipal Election promises to be hotly contested with a large number of aldermanic candidates running for City Council. As in the past, SACPA is hosting election forums for Aldermen and Mayor on different nights.
The SACPA Candidate’s Forum for Aldermen will be held on Thursday, October 7 at the Lethbridge Public Library Theatre Gallery 7 – 9 pm
Please plan to attend this forum, which will be conducted using both formulated and audience questions. Voice your concerns and help frame the issues for the candidates at this important event. And…Don’t forget to vote on Monday, October 18, 2010 or at the advance voting at City Hall 910 - 4 Ave South (Culver Room) on October 2, 8, 9 or 14 between 10 am and 8 pm.
Moderator: Trevor Page
Dates: Thursday, October 7, 2010 Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM Location: Lethbridge Public Library (Theatre Gallery) 810 – 5 Avenue South Cost: Free, donations gratefully accepted
Visit the SACPA website: http://www.sacpa.ca
Candidate list for Aldermen in the 2011 Lethbridge Municipal Election
BABKI, Bob rfbabki@shaw.ca www.babki4council.ca
BOORA, Bal balboora@telusplanet.net www.balboora.ca/elect
BOUCHARD, Kris krisbouchard@gmail.com
CARLSON, Jeff aldermancarlson@gmail.com www.voteforcarlson.com
COFFMAN, Jeffrey jeff@jeffcoffman.ca www.jeffreycoffman.ca
COONEY, Bob electbob@bobcooney.ca www.bobcooney.ca
CUTFORTH, Lee lee@cutforthforalderman.ca www.cutforthforalderman.ca
DOHERTY, Fiona Littlebigmomma1@hotmail.com
ELLIS, Faron faron.ellis@gmail.com www.faronellis.com
FLETCHER, Melvin James melfletcher@shaw.ca www.electmelfletcher.com
HART, Hazel hazelhart@live.com
HECKER, Geri geri.hecker@gmail.com www.gerihecker.ca
HOEG, Rod hoeg@telus.net
HYGGEN, Blaine blaine@electhyggen.com www.electhyggen.com
IWASKIW, Liz iwaskiw@telusplanet.net www.iwaskiw.ca
JANZEN, Bob empiregirl53@hotmail.com
JONES, Kris kris.for.alderman@gmail.com
LANZ, Bev beverly.lanz@gmail.com
LAYTON, Kevin kevinlaytonforalderman@gmail.com
MAURO, Joe joemauro4alderman@shaw.ca
MEARNS, Bridget elect@bridgetmearns.com www.bridgetmearns.com
PARKER, Ryan ryan_parker75@hotmail.com
SIMMONS, Margaret simmonsmargaret@gmail.com www.margaretsimmons.webs.com
SWITZER, Lea leaswitzer@hotmail.com www.leaswitzer.ca
TARANT, Rory rory@electrory.com www.electrory.com
TRATCH, Ken ken.tratch@gmail.com www.kentratch.ca
VAN DER LEE, Joyce jjeano@shaw.ca
WARD, Shaun sward55@gmail.com www.shaunward.ca
WEIKUM, Gary Gary.weikum@gmail.com www.garyweikum.com
WICKERSHAM, Tom thwicker@gmail.com