The scientific consensus is in: man-made global warming is real and the major cause of various extreme weather events around the world. Rich countries will suffer losses worth billions and poor countries 95 percent of the deaths from worsening extreme weather and rising seas – unless urgent action is taken immediately on global warming.
So says the conservative Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its November 18, 2011 Special Report approved by 194 of the world’s 196 nations. To avoid irrevers-ible, catastrophic climate change, we have only five years left to act, says the conserva-tive International Energy Agency in its November 8, 2011 World Energy Outlook report.
The speakers will present up-to-date video, graphics, and narrative to walk the audience through the reality and science of climate change, the denial industry, carbon dioxide reduction targets and government performance, and where we go from here. The good news: we know what needs to be done and we have the tools to do it. The presentation intends to provoke a lively audience discussion about what all of us must do to deal with this, the greatest problem humanity has ever faced.
Speakers: Marian and Robin White
The Whites authored the award-winning book, Wild Alberta at the Crossroads (sales exceeded 4,000 and green businesses donated copies to more than 500 schools). Their extensive travels lend a global perspective to their longtime role as providers of public environmental education.
Robin (Master of Environmental Studies, York) was an award-winning City land-use planner and is a presenter for The Climate Reality Project, Canada. Marian (BSc – Geography, Toronto), an editor, manages NatureWatch Press.