NOTICE OF A SPECIAL SESSION JOINTLY HOSTED BY: SACPA-on-Campus, NASA, The Native American Studies Department and the U of L
Tuesday, Feb 28, noon-1:30 pm
1st Choice Saving Centre U of L
Room PE264
Urban Aboriginal people often face challenges above and beyond those faced by the non-Aboriginal urban population. Lower education and income levels, coupled with higher unemployment rates are mainly to blame for an over-representation in the criminal justice system, as both victims and offenders.
Calgary’s Urban Aboriginal Initiative (CUAI) is designed to tackle the different issues experienced by Aboriginal people. The scope and depth of these challenges requires Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities to work comprehensively and collaboratively if we hope to make real progress.
Speaker: Naheed Nenshi, Mayor of Calgary via video conferencing
Mayor Naheed Nenshi is a passionate Calgarian, an accomplished business professional, and an active community leader with a solid track record of getting things done.
Mayor Nenshi is dedicated to making cities, especially Calgary, work better. He’s the lead author of the report Building Up: Making Canada’s Cities Magnets for Talent and Engines of Development.
Mayor Nenshi grew up in Calgary and has lived and worked in cities around the world before returning to Calgary. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (with distinction) from the University of Calgary and a Master in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, where he studied as a Kennedy Fellow.
Mayor Nenshi was sworn in as Calgary’s 36th mayor on October 25th, 2010.