The official opposition Wildrose Party has, since April 2012, observed Alberta’s provincial government experience many controversies, including oil sands management, resource development, the delivery of health care and Premier Allison Redford’s style of governing. The speaker will discuss some of the urgent issues facing the province of Alberta in 2014 and sketch some alternatives to the direction in which the Progressive Conservative party has chosen to govern.
In particular he will speak to examples of red tape and bureaucracy that is presently apparent, while explaining how MLA’s will be better able to serve the interests of their constituents under a Wildrose Government.
Speaker: Gary Bikman, MLA for Cardston Taber Warner
Gary Bikman was elected April 23, 2012 and is presently the Official Opposition critic for Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour. He serves on the standing committees on “Resource Stewardship” and also on “Legislative Offices”. Gary was born and raised in Lethbridge and as a young man he lived in Sweden for two and a half years. He earned his B.Sc. Degree and an MBA at Brigham Young University.
Gary has had extensive business experience, having owned and managed an oilfield service company for 25 years. He is also an educator. For many years he taught high school students a class on ethics and morality each weekday morning before school started. Gary taught Management Skills Development at the University of Lethbridge and Life Skills and Employability to trades students at Lethbridge College. Over the years, Gary was elected to several terms in municipal government and has served as Stirling’s mayor, deputy mayor and as a councillor.