SACPA in Partnership with the Lethbridge Public Library
presents a SACPA special evening session:
Medical Help to Die – The Ethics of Providing Choice for Canadians
Public support in Canada for allowing people with terminal illnesses to legally access medical help to die is growing. It’s a topic that many people are not comfortable discussing; however, public debate about the ethics of providing the choice is also growing.
Recent developments fueling the discussion include legislation that will be re-introduced by the new government of Quebec, two private members’ bills recently tabled in the House of Commons, and the upcoming Supreme Court of Canada hearing (October 14, 2014). Join us for a presentation and discussion with ethicist Michael Stingl, on the question: Should Canadians be able to choose medical help to die when they are at the end-of-life?
Speaker: Dr. Michael Stingl, Philosophy Department, University of Lethbridge
Dr. Stingl has been teaching in the Philosophy Department at the University of Lethbridge since 1989, including serving as Chair. He is Deputy Chair of the Community Research Ethics Board of Alberta (CREBA) and former Editorial Board Coordinator of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy (CJP). Dr. Stingl also sat on the Lethbridge Health Region Ethics Committee and on the board of the Provincial Health Ethics Network (PHEN).
Dr. Stingl is editor of The Price of Compassion: Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia published in 2010. The book is a collection of essays that explore public policies, legal judgments, slippery slope objections to assisted dying and the role of social and political factors determining the morality and legalization of assisted dying.
Moderator: Terry Shillington
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 Time: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Location: Lethbridge Public Library Theatre Gallery, 810 – 5th Ave. South
Free admission, everyone welcome.