Approval of agenda and appointment of Secretary
Adoption and discussion of Minutes – June 19, 2014
Annual Reports:
Finance Committee (Treasurer’s Report and Budget for 2015-2016)
Break for lunch at approx.12:30 - 1 pm followed by more reports
Program Committee
SACPA on Campus Program Committee
Policy and Bylaw Committee
Administrative Manager
Personnel Committee
Nomination Committee
Appointment of Auditors and discussion on SACPA’s future direction, including an update on a planned 50th anniversary book. Guidance and ideas on how and when to celebrate eventual anniversary special events is welcome…. Speakers, Mementoes, Pamphlets etc.
Adjournment at 1:30 pm
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2015 Time: Noon - 1:30 PM Location: Country Kitchen Catering (Lower level of The Keg) 1715 Mayor Magrath Dr. S Cost: Free with a current SACPA membership, otherwise $11 for lunch New memberships and renewals are welcome and can be purchased at the AGM