Canadian Values: What are They?
The eight annual Student Speaker Challenge will kick off on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 with a total of eight students competing in this year’s event, addressing the wide-ranging and emotional topics of what “Canadian Values” are. Round 1: What are Canadian values? Round 2: How are social movements evolving? Round 3: Is democracy working?
Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs (SACPA), Lethbridge Public Interest Research Group (LPIRG) and University of Lethbridge Student Union (ULSU) are collaborating to supply financial and promotional support for this annual Student Speaker Challenge in addition to the encouragement University of Lethbridge provides.
A panel of judges will determine who wins the competition, with prize money of $1000 going to the overall winner. Second place will receive $500 and $250 prizes will be awarded to the two students not advancing past round 2. U of L Gift Cards will be given to all competitors.
The Student Speaker Challenge Schedule is: (all events are in ULSU ballroom B, snacks and refreshments will be provided)
Round 1 – Wednesday, March 1, from 5 – 7 pm The eight participants will each speak for approx. 8 minutes, top four go to round 2
Round 2 – Wednesday, March 8, from 5 – 6:30 pm The four participants will each speak for approx. 8 minutes, top two go on to the final.
Final – Wednesday March 15, from 5 – 6 pm The two finalists will each speak for approx. 8 minutes before the winner is declared.
Free events, everyone welcome.