Most people wants to save a dollar and you might get a renovation done cheaper if you pay cash. Sounds great, and what could possibly go wrong? Keep in mind not all contractors are created equal. Homeowners need to do thorough research on how to select a good contractor before they sign a deal with anyone. Unfortunately, homeowners are at a disadvantage because it’s difficult for an untrained eye to find errors in technical work and it’s unlikely that the homeowner will know if a project is up to code before it’s too late.
Sadly, fly-by-night contractors often take advantage of homeowners by offering a “cash only price” for the project. They might even give an intentionally low quote to spur the client’s interest. A contract may not be offered and that way, the contractor does not need to guarantee quality or completion. Contractors might also ask for a large up-front deposit, leaving homeowners without protection, liability insurance, and meaningful paperwork, making it difficult to pursue litigation.
The speaker will offer guidance on the do’s and don’ts when dealing with contractors before, during and after home renovations. He will also stress the importance of getting everything in writing and answer questions from the audience regarding specific concerns.
Speaker: Wes Carroll
Wes Carroll used to sell homes, now he builds them. After 19 years in real estate, he now operates Empire Homes as a family business full time. Wes is heavily involved with community work, the local home builders association and a vast variety of trades and suppliers. The opportunity to work closely with clients building or renovating homes throughout every stage of the project, he finds rewarding and a dream come true.
Wes is on the Board of Directors of Building Industry & Land Development Association (BILD) Lethbridge, formerly known as the Canadian Home Builders Association – Lethbridge Region, and was President in 2014. He won two 2018 Awards of Excellence in Housing for Best Kitchen Renovation and Best Overall Renovation
Moderator: Knud Petersen
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Time: 7 – 8:30 pm
Venue: Lethbridge Public Library Theatre Gallery, (downstairs) Main Branch, 810 – 5th Ave. South
Everyone is encouraged to attend.