Most of the global population recognizes we are in an accelerating transition to sustainable societies and environments. But what will that look like? Will life be more challenging; more comfortable; perhaps a combination? Dr. Byrne will discuss the society of the future. What do we have to do with energy and sustainability to achieve reasonably stable regional and global environments.
Speaker: James Byrne
Moderator: Mark Goettel
James Byrne is Professor Emeritus, University of Lethbridge. He continues an active research program in climate, change solutions, renewable energy, transitions, and society scale sustainability.
Date/time: Thursday March 23, 2023. Presentation begins at 12 & concludes at 1 p.m.
Cost: Free, but donations are gratefully accepted
Location : Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO) Dining Room, 500-11 Street S, Lethbridge, AB
Lunch & Refreshments: The Atrium Dining Room will be available by 11:15 am. Please arrive early before the start of the Presentation to patronize the LSCO cafeteria and enjoy their excellent variety of good value food options.